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Scoil Naomh Seosamh
Principal's Welcome
We would like to welcome you to our website. We are very proud of our school and hope you enjoy navigating through our website and finding out all our news of events and happenings.
Ms Kerins
Meet Our Staff
Principal Ms Kerins
Deputy Principal Ms McNulty
Resource Mrs Toner
Resource Ms McCaffrey
Resource Mrs McEvoy
Resource Ms Carpenter
EAL Ms Carmet
Junior Infants Martin
Senior Infants Ms Owens
1st Class Mrs McCooey/Ms Bolger
2nd Class Mrs Phillips
3rd Ms Brady
4th Class Mr Healy
4th Class MS O'Neill
5th Class Mr Golden
5th Class Ms Balfe
6th Class Ms Kieran
6th Class Ms Daly
Mrs Sheila Winters
Mrs Jackie Mullen
Mr Graham Sarsfield
Mrs Tara McMenamon
Secretary: Mrs Linda Cruise
Caretaker: Mr Colin O'Donnell
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